Dungeon Tables
Dungeon Tables: The Game Master’s Dungeon Builder Handbook is the definitive guide to creating and running dungeons in your role-playing game. Combine bits and pieces from its 50+ tables and you will soon have a fully fleshed-out immersive dungeon setting for your players to explore. From construction materials to treasures to interesting artifacts decorating the rooms and corridors to the atmosphere, this guide has everything you could ever look for.
Dungeon Table offers all these tools to help you design your ultimate dungeon encounters quickly and easily:
- Over 100 pages of tables to help you design fascinating dungeon
settings, complete with adventure seeds, traps, secret
doors, decorations, and much more – everything you need to make detailed
immersive rooms and corridors. - Compatible with all tabletop fantasy role-playing games
- Hundreds of detailed descriptions cover all aspects of a dungeon’s look and feel.
- Dozens of quick-build tables to generate a fascinating dungeon room, hallway, or cavern space on the fly.
- And much more…
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