Marvelous and Arcane Magic Items for the Busy Game Master

Marvelous and Arcane Magic Items for the Busy Game Master

Are you looking for fun new magic items to have your adventurers discover during their adventuring missions?

Marvelous and Arcane Magic Items for the Busy Game Master was created to give you, the referee, 1,000 choices of interesting and unexpected magic items to offer your players. And more importantly, the lists can be used for ideas to mix and match powers, item types, and features to fit the needs and desires of your group of players.

The magic items are broken down into ten lists of 100 items, each with a brief introduction. Take a bit of time to read through the lists. Think of ways to make some of them a perfect fit for your game and the mix of player characters. Or drop them in as is to allow the players the excitement of finding a new and unusual bit of treasure and deciding which player benefits from its capabilities the most. Many items require attunement to be used. Others do not. Each item that needs attunement states this fact in the description.

What are you waiting for? Dig in and start adding a few of these unique magics to your treasure hordes.

Get your PDF or Print copy of Marvelous and Arcane Magic Items for the Busy Game Master at DrivethruRPG
Get your print copy of Marvelous and Arcane Magic Items for the Busy Game Master at Amazon